Today we’d like to introduce you to Glenda Freeman.  

Hi Glenda, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am a single mother of a beautiful little girl who has taught me to enjoy whatever life may bring. Since the age of six I have always dreamed of being an Artist and I am so grateful to see my dreams come to fruition. I was born in Chonburi, Thailand on November 17, 1971, the daughter of an African American military father and Thai mother. Growing up in both cultures has shaped my life and my art. Born into a mixture of eastern and western cultures that do not always mesh; Buddhism has been both a sanctuary and a well in which to draw strength and clarity from the cultural clashes within my life. 

I am a self-taught Artist with a bachelor’s in Fine Arts, a Master’s in Education, and MBA. During my Master’s in Education program, my thesis discussed how art has helped survivors of domestic violence. I have been working as a professional Artist since 2003, my work is both a reflection of my beliefs and an integral part of my Buddhist path, but also it is the product of my life experiences; other times it is the path I use to work toward Samma San kappa (right thinking). 

To read the complete interview please visit: Voyage Dallas